
Women’s Embodied Wellness
Our introductory signature program covering the critical elements of women’s health. In the current climate of information overload, this presentation will bust some of the female health myths we face and deliver insights into female body literacy. Thoroughly backed with strong scientific research and statistics, this program provides a necessary understanding of the female hormonal axis. This presentation helps to raise awareness of the importance of women’s wellness within the workplace and provides simple strategies for positive change.
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Sleep – The Body’s Ultimate Panacea
When we sleep well, everything in our lives feels easier. We’re better equipped to manage stress, our immune system functions better and our brain health benefits. Yet sleep is often something many women struggle with. This program provides a deeper understanding into sleep cycles and how the daily load can adversely impact sleep hygiene. Evidence is provided on the fundamental role that sleep can play in causing inflammation, poor energy, low mood, increased weight and chronic disease risk. We’ll teach daily habits and rituals to help rewire the diurnal patterns that help facilitate improved sleep—the body’s ultimate panacea.
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The Currency of Cortisol
We are living in a time where cortisol is becoming the new “body currency” and the information presented aims to educate women about the cortisol bank where and how women are spending, sharing and banking this crucial hormone. We examine women’s patterns of overwhelm and the impact chronic stress can have when the balance is tipped towards cortisol dependency. This presentation will supply women with tools to interpret their own symptoms and provides simple de-stress tips and easy-to-implement suggestions that help to fine tune this elegant but dynamic system.
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Women Are Not Small Men
When it comes to research in health, so much has been conducted on men and then applied to women—yet we are being shown time and time again that this is not accurate. Women are not small men. This powerful conversation, that women are not small men, cracks open the myths and generalisations when it comes to how a woman experiences physical and mental health. This presentation offers evidence-based strategies to help women understand the hormonal and biochemical intricacies that drive their physiology and a greater understanding of how differently we respond and react to our environment when compared to men.
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The Body Keeps the Score
The body keeps the score is an insightful presentation that recognises the invisible load of stress each of us carries, and the weight this places on our health. We explore how to unpack this load and we inform participants about the intricacies of the power of thoughts and how they can determine the body’s biochemistry. Highlighting the importance of mindfulness, this talk provides discussion around ritual and self-care, and gives insights into daily, weekly and monthly practices that provide opportunity for transformational and long-standing change.
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A Women’s Power 8
Informed by the world’s longest-living cultures, this program draws from the traditional pillars common to the Blue Zone communities throughout the world—recognised for their absence of disease and predilection for longevity. We delve into the detail of each pillar and explain with evidence-based information how to adopt these principles into our everyday life. This presentation creates an opportunity for more thoughtful conversation around powerful but simple interventions to create a blueprint for today’s women in leadership to not only thrive, but to live longer, healthier lives.
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“Amanda and Kate from the Eighth Space presented to my network of women on current issues facing women’s health. The presentation was extremely informative and also provided participants with some simple suggestions for integrating healthy changes into their busy lives.”
Penni James
Founder – Compliance and Risk Executive Women